Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihan
of Mechanical Engineering
TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Söğütözü Cad. No:
Söğütözü, Ankara,
06560 TURKEY
e-mail: cihantekoglu@etu.edu.tr
phone: +90 (312)
292 40 65
fax: +90 (312)
292 40 91
Funded Projects
- TÜBİTAK 1001 - A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Crack Propagation Mechanisms in Ductile Metal Plates, 05/2016–11/2019, funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, budget = 94131 EUR, Principal Investigator
- TÜBİTAK 3501 - Microstructural Optimization of Dual-Phase (DP) steels, 09/2012–03/2015, funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, budget = 45000 EUR, Principal Investigator.
- HETMAT - Heterogeneous Materials, 04/2007–06/2010, funded by European Scientific Coordination Network (ESCN), budget = 100000 EUR, Researcher
Journal Publications
- C. Tekoğlu, K. L. Nielsen, 2019. Effect of damage-related microstructural parameters on plate tearing at steady state. Eur. J. Mech. A-Solid. Advance online publication. (doi)
- W. E. D. Nelissen, C. Ayas, C. Tekoğlu, 2019. 2D lattice material architectures for actuation. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 124, 83-101. (doi)
- C. Ayas, C. Tekoglu, 2018. On the sufficient symmetry conditions for isotropy of elastic moduli. J. Appl. Mech. 85, 074502-074502-5. (doi)
- T. N. Pronk, C. Ayas, C. Tekoglu, 2017. A quest for 2D lattice materials for actuation. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 105, 199-216. (doi)
- M.E. Torki, C. Tekoğlu, J.-B. Leblond, A.A. Benzerga, 2017. Theoretical and numerical analysis of void coalescence in porous ductile solids under arbitrary loadings. Int. J. Plasticity 91, 160-181. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu,
2015. Void coalescence in ductile solids containing two populations of voids. Eng. Fract. Mech. 147, 418-430. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu, J. W. Hutchinson, T. Pardoen, 2015. On localization and void coalescence as a precursor to ductile fracture. Philos. T. R. Soc. A. 373, 1-9. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu,
2014. Representative volume element calculations under constant stress
triaxiality, Lode parameter, and shear ratio. Int. J. Solids Struct. 51, 4544-4553. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu, J.-B. Leblond, T. Pardoen,
2012. A criterion for the onset of void coalescence under
combined shear and tension. J. Mech.
Phys. Solids, 60, 1363-1381. (doi)
- L. Lecarme, C. Tekoğlu, T. Pardoen, 2011. Void
growth and
coalescence in ductile solids with stage III and stage IV strain
hardening. Int. J. Plasticity 27,1203-1223. (doi)
- F. Scheyvaerts, P. R. Onck, C. Tekoğlu, T.
Pardoen, 2011. The growth
and coalescence of ellipsoidal voids in plane strain under combined
shear and tension. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59, 373-397. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu, L. G. Gibson, T. Pardoen, P. R.
Onck, 2011. Size effects in
foams: Experiments and modeling. Prog. Mater. Sci. 56, 109-138. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu, T. Pardoen, 2010. A micromechanics
based damage model for composite materials. Int. J. Plasticity 26,
549-569. (doi)
- S. K. Yerra, C. Tekoğlu, F. Scheyvaerts, L.
Delannay, P. Van Houtte, T.
Pardoen, 2010. Void growth and coalescence in single crystals. Int. J.
Solids Structures 47, 1016-1029. (doi)
- T. Pardoen, F. Scheyvaerts, A. Simlar, C.
Tekoğlu, P. R. Onck, 2010.
Multiscale modeling of ductile failure in metallic alloys. C. R.
Physique 11, 326-345. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu, P. R. Onck, 2008. Size effects in
two-dimensional Voronoi
foams: A comparison between generalized continua and discrete models.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 56, 3541-3564. (doi)
- C. Tekoğlu, P. R. Onck, 2005. Size effects in
the mechanical behavior of cellular materials. J. Mater. Sci. 40,
5911-5917. (doi)
Refereed Proceedings
- C. Tekoğlu,
Ş. Çelik, H. Duran, M. Efe, K. L. Neilsen, submitted. Experimental
Investigation of Crack Propagation Mechanisms in Commercially Pure Aluminium
Plates. To: Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Plasticity,
Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials (IWPDF2019), August
22-23, 2019, Ankara, Turkey. - T. Yalçınkaya, G. Ö. Güngör, S. O. Çakmak, C. Tekoglu,
submitted. A numerical investigation of the mechanical behavior of
dual-phase steels. To: Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on
Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials (IWPDF2019), August 22-23, 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
- M. F. Kacar, C. Tekoğlu,
K. L. Nielsen, 2017. Fracture Surface Morphology under Ductile Tearing
of Metal Plates. In: Proceedings of the 30th Nordic Seminar on
Computational Mechanics, NSCM-30, October 25-27, 2017, Technical University of Denmark.
- M. Inanc, T. Pardoen, C. Tekoğlu,
2015. An Enhanced Mori-Tanaka Homogenization Scheme for Incremental,
Non-Linear Rate-Independent Plasticity. In: Proceedings of the 5th
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites,
COMPOSITES 2015, 07-09 September, 2015, University of Bristol, UK
- C. Tekoğlu,
S. Attari, J.-B. Leblond, T. Pardoen, 2014. Void coalescence through
internal necking: Thomason’s criterion revisited. In: Proceedings of
the 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, June 30- July 03, 2014, Izmir, Turkey [CD-ROM] - F. Büyüksolak, H. Canbaz, C. Yıldırım, C. Tekoğlu, Y. Taşcıoğlu, 2014. Dört rotorlu insansiz hava araci tasarimi ve üretimi. In: Proceedings of the 5th
National Mechatronics Engineering Students Congress (MeMÖK2014), 24 May 2014, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey - Yerra Sampath, Kumar; Tekoğlu, Cihan; Van Bael, A.; Delannay, Laurent; Van Houtte, P.; Pardoen, T. et al. (2010). The Facet-Gurson model for ductile damage process. In :Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Fracture. D.
Klingbeil, M. Vormwald, K.-G. Eulitz eds., p. CD-RomB053-2. 18th European Conference on Fracture (ECF18), Dresden, Germany, from 30/08/2010 to 03/09/2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/79192.
- Tekoğlu, Cihan; Pardoen, Thomas (2009). A micromechanics based model for ductile damage in multiphase and composite metallic alloys combining extended Gurson and
homogenization theory. In :Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12, p. Paer#T10037. 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12, Ottawa, Cananda, from 12/07/2009 to 17/07/2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/76459.
- Pierman, Anne-Pascale; Tekoğlu, Cihan; Pardoen, Thomas; Jacques, Pascal (2009). Nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids in dual phase steels: from model microstructures to microstructure based modelling. In :Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12, Ottawa, Cananda, from 12/07/2009 to 17/07/2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/74939.
- Pierman, Anne-Pascale; Tekoğlu, C.; Pardoen, Thomas; Jacques, Pascal (2009). On the characterisation and optimisation of the resistance to crack initiation and propagation of dual phase steels. In :Abstract book,
p. 71. Thermec'2009 - International Conference on Processing &
Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Berlin, Germany, from 25/08/2009 to
29/08/2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/78959.
- Pardoen, Thomas; Scheyvaerts, F.; Tekoğlu, Cihan; Lecarme, Liza; Fabrègue, Damien; Onck, P. et al. (2009). Recent Progress in Micromechanics-based Modeling of Void Coalescence. In :Proceedings of the 2009 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Appliend MechanicsSociety
for Experimental Mechanics Inc. ed(s), p. 7. 2009 SEM Annual Conference
and Exposition on Experimental and Appliend Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM
USA, from 01/06/2009 to 04/06/2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/76457.
- C. Tekoğlu, P. R. Onck, 2003. A comparison of
discrete and Cosserat continuum analyses for cellular materials. In: J.
Banhart, N. A. Fleck, A. Mortensen (Eds.), Proceedings of MetFoam 2003,
Cellular Metals: Manufacture, Properties, Applications, MIT, Berlin.
- C. Tekoğlu, P. R. Onck, 2003. Identification
of Cosserat constants for cellular materials. In: Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials,
Geneva, Switzerland [CD-ROM].
- J. Fatemi, F. van Keulen, P. R. Onck, C.
Tekoğlu, 2003. On micropolar modelling of cancellous bone. In: L. J.
Soslowsky, T. C. Skalak, J. S. Wayne, G. A. Livesay (Eds.), Proceedings
of the 2003 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne,
Florida, United States [CD-ROM].
Poster Presentations
- Ş. Çelik, C. Tekoğlu,
K. L. Neilsen. On the fracture surface morphology under ductile plate
tearing at steady state. In: 1st International Workshop on Plasticity,
Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials (IWPDF2019), August 22-23,
2019, Ankara, Turkey.
- C. Tekoğlu.
Coalescence of primary voids in the presence of a secondary population.
In: 3rd International Workshop on Physics Based Modeling of Material
Properties and Experimental Observations, June 2-4, 2014, Izmir,
- S. Attari, T. Pardoen, J.-B. Leblond, C. Tekoğlu.
Void coalescence through internal necking. In: 3rd International
Workshop on Physics Based Modeling of Material Properties and
Experimental Observations, June 2-4, 2014, Izmir, Turkey.
- M. Inanc, T. Pardoen, C. Tekoğlu.
An enhanced Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme for incremental,
non-linear rate-independent plasticity. In: 3rd International Workshop
on Physics Based Modeling of Material Properties and Experimental
Observations, June 2-4, 2014, Izmir, Turkey.
- M. Inanc, T. Pardoen, O. Bouaziz, C. Tekoğlu.
The effect of per-phase properties on the ductility of dual phase (DP)
steels. In: 2nd International Workshop on Physics Based Modeling of
Material Properties and Experimental Observations, May 15-17, 2013,
Antalya, Turkey.
- S. Attari, T. Pardoen, J.-B. Leblond, C. Tekoğlu. Void coalescence under combined tension and shear. In: 2nd International Workshop on Physics Based
Modeling of Material Properties and Experimental Observations, May 15-17, 2013, Antalya, Turkey. - L. Lecarme, C. Tekoğlu,
S. K. Yerra, L. Delannay, T. Pardoen. Strain hardening and viscoplastic
effects on void growth and coalescence. In: Thermec´2009 -
International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced
Materials, August 25-29, 2009, Berlin, Germany.
- A. P. Pierman, C. Tekoğlu,
T. Pardoen, P. J. Jacques. On the characterisation and optimisation of
the resistance to crack initiaton and propagation of dual phase steels.
In: Thermec´2009 - International Conference on Processing &
Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, August 25-29, 2009, Berlin,
- A. P. Pierman, C. Tekoğlu,
T. Pardoen, P. J. Jacques. Damage in Dual-Phase Steels: from model
microstructure to microstructure based modeling. In: Colloque national
MECAMAT, Mécanique et mécanismes des changements de phase, January 26-30, 2009, Aussois, France.
- C. Tekoğlu,
P. R. Onck. Size-effects in cellular materials. In: MSCplus bi-annual
meeting, May 29-31, 2005, Vlieland, The Netherlands.
- C. Tekoğlu,
P. R. Onck. Size-effects in cellular materials. In: 7th Congress of the
Netherlands Institute for Metals Research (NIMR), December 12-13, 2005, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
- C. Tekoğlu,
P. R. Onck. A Modified Cosserat theory for Cellular Solids. In: 6th
Congress of the Netherlands Institute for Metals Research (NIMR),
December, 2004, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
- C. Tekoğlu,
P. R. Onck. A comparison of discrete and Cosserat continuum analyses
for cellular metals. In: 5th Congress of the Netherlands Institute for
Metals Research (NIMR), December 8-9, 2003, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. - C. Tekoğlu,
P. R. Onck. Identification of Cosserat constants for cellular
materials. In: 5th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, August 17-22,
2003, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- C. Tekoğlu,
P. R. Onck. A comparison of discrete and Cosserat continuum analyses
for cellular metals. In: 3th International Conference on Cellular Metals
and Metal Foaming Technology, June 23-25, 2003, Berlin, Germany. - C. Tekoğlu,
P. R. Onck. Identification of Cosserat constants for cellular
materials. In: 4th Congress of the Netherlands Institute for Metals
Research (NIMR), December 16-17, 2002, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.